Return and Refund policy
Refunds are made to retailers are strictly subject to following terms:
- Under current business agreement, a retailer sends recharge request to Red Apple Online Services, post which, he gets a success message and transaction id from Red Apple Online Services and in turn, the customer gets recharge confirmation and increased top up message from the operator. In case customer does not get the recharge confirmation message from operator, the retailer should check customer's mobile balance and after confirmation that customer has not received recharge balance, retailer should submit refund request to Red Apple Online Services in given format. Red Apple Online Services shall get it verified from respective operator/service provider within 2 working days. In case of failed recharge, Red Apple Online Services will top up retailer account for the same value minus commission, after confirmation from operator after 2 working days. In case recharge is successful, retailer will be provided operator recharge ID for the same.
- If retailer has any doubt after getting the operator recharge ID in case of successful recharge, they can escalate the issue by sending complaint request to Red Apple Online Services in given format. Red Apple Online Services will get it cross checked from operator within 2 working days and send the relevant details to retailer for the same.
- In case of wrong recharge i.e. recharge request sent for wrong number and the recharge is processed from operator/ service provider no refund claim will be entertained under any circumstances. The retailer needs to confirm and re-confirm mobile number/ customer id from the customer before sending the recharge request to Red Apple Online Services. Recharge once processed and successful will not be refunded in any given circumstances.
- When retailer sends a recharge request and gets failed message, no money is deducted from retailers account. Hence, retailer need not send refund request for such transactions.
- All refund request for the transactions made on Saturday, Sunday and Holidays will be sent to operator /service providers on next working day and response will be given after 2 working days.